HEC’s Commitment To Technology Expands Your Vision Care Choices
At Hattiesburg Eye Clinic, we’re on the leading edge of innovation and technology for better vision care. From continuous investments in the latest diagnostic and surgical developments to ongoing physician training in the latest treatments and techniques, we’re making every effort to improve your vision and quality of life with the most up-to-date technology available.
Our commitment to technology expands your choices with continuous upgrades allowing many patients to experience better vision than was once thought possible – even in some cases without further need of glasses. We’re at the forefront of a technological revolution that has already improved the vision of millions of people from all walks of life.
The advent of digital computing and other technological advances has elevated the standards of precision in ophthalmology to new heights. Thanks to these advances we now diagnose and treat conditions like glaucoma, corneal disease, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts to increasing standards of vision restoration – and most performed on an outpatient basis that reduces recovery time to no more than a day.
Better Diagnostics With 3-D™ Wave Imaging
Hattiesburg Eye Clinic was the first to introduce the OPD-Scan III diagnostic tool, known as the 3-D™ Wave. With its advanced digital mapping process, the 3-D™ Wave can map the entire front three-dimensional surface of the eye, taking fourteen different measurements (including aberrations) in a fraction of the time of traditional diagnostic equipment.
With 3-D™ Wave capability, our physicians can fine-tune vision correction options specifically tailored to a patient’s unique eye characteristics over a wide array of conditions. Using 3-D™ Wave data, surgeons can determine if a patient is a good candidate for laser corrective surgeries, and use the same data to precisely plan and carry out the corrective procedure.
Dr. Todd Williamson and Dr. Stoney Williamson discuss the advantages of 3-D™ Wave diagnostics at Hattiesburg Eye Clinic:
A Leader In Advanced Laser Surgery
The use of lasers has increased the precision and accuracy of vision correction surgeries providing millions who were nearsighted, farsighted, presbyopic or with astigmatism with new freedom from glasses and contacts. Heavy patient demand for surgical and laser vision correction has inspired surgeons and laser manufacturers to make tremendous advancements in both Excimer laser technology and surgical technique.
Already a pioneer in iLASIK corrective vision surgery, Hattiesburg Eye Clinic recently introduced the CATALYS® Precision Laser System for cataract surgery. The only laser designed exclusively for cataract treatment and approved by the FDA, the CATALYS® system combines a highly developed femtosecond laser with advanced high resolution 3D imaging and software for a customized patient experience with unparalleled accuracy and precision.
Get In Touch With Us:
To learn more about Hattiesburg Eye Clinic and our services please call us at 601 268 5910 or toll-free at 800 624 8254 or schedule a consultation.